Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump’s Victory Is The Best Thing To Happen To Black People - David Banner

The rapper-actor shared his post-election thoughts on Facebook.

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David Banner believes there’s a silver lining to President-elect Trump’s election for the black community.
During a Facebook live stream on Wednesday, the rapper-actor said he thinks the election could be the best thing that has ever happened to the black community. 
“This may be the best thing to ever happen to black people, maybe in history because now there is no excuse,” Banner said.
“I think the veil of America has been ripped off. The fake mask has been ripped off. Maybe Hillary winning would’ve kept that mask on, and we would’ve been further been pacified as people. So for me, now it’s what are we gonna do as a community? What is the agenda?” he added.
While many Americans are terrified of Trump’s presidency, many of the comments on Banner’s Facebook and Twitter page were in support of his comments to unify in order to evoke change in the community.
For Banner, who has contributed to various social justice movements, the black community should take this moment to further their own agendas, rather than waiting on appointed leaders.
“I see a lot of people asking, ‘Where is our leader?’ You are the leader. Stop looking for somebody else. That’s the problem,” he said. “That’s the reason why we’re in the position that we’re in right now. We’re always looking for somebody else. It’s you, you do it.” 
(The Huffington Post)

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