Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ghanian-born cheat swindles 191,000 pounds by claiming she was confined to a wheelchair but was caught on CCTV using the treadmill at her luxury block's private gym is jailed for seven years

  • Angel Jackson, 52, swindled £191,000 from taxpayer
  • She also acquired a £1 million property portfolio and used a wheelchair
  • Was caught on CCTV using the treadmill at her luxury block's private gym
  • Judge Hiddleston, described her as a 'vain and self-important person'
  • Angel Jackson appeared at Croydon Crown Court for the trial in her wheelchair

  • London - A Ghanian-born Angel Jackson who claimed she was confined in a wheelchair was caught on CCTV using the treadmill at her luxury block's private gym. Dailymail reports that “Angel Jackson, 52, established a complex web of lies to claim housing benefit, income support and compensation between 2002 and 2012."

    She successfully swindled the taxpayer out of £191, 000 and without securing a pay job acquired a £1million property.

    The report says “Jackson claimed for properties she didn't live in, in the names of people who didn't exist, and for accidents that didn't happen.”
    Prosecutors at Croydon Crown Court admitted that they didn't know her real name or date of birth. She has been found guilty of 32 charges relating to the ten-year fraud she committed and jailed for seven years.

    Read More at Dailymail

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