Tuesday, November 8, 2016

WOW! Newsweek Commemorative Edition Addresses Clinton "Madam President" Before US Elections are Held

Hillary Clinton's Historic Journey to the White House

Snopes - On 7 November 2016, the day before the 2016 Presidential election, an image purportedly showing Hillary Clinton on the cover of Newsweek under the title "Madam President" was widely circulated on social media. Some disreputable web sites claimed that the photograph was evidence that the media had been colluding with the Clinton campaign in order to ensure a victory for the Democratic candidate:
Thousands of copies of a Newsweek magazine claiming a Hillary Clinton victory have been printed in readiness to ship to newsstands and stores.
Stacks of boxes with the Special Edition ‘Madam President’ cover depicting Hillary Clinton winning the U.S. presidential race next week were secretly photographed by a Newsweek employee who says that there were no Trump versions made.
The find proves that the media, in collusion with the Clinton campaign, have planned for a Hillary victory all along.
Zero Hedge - "Trump supporters reacted to the images with a mixture of anger and disbelief."
We were initially skeptical: the more likely - and innocent - explanation was that Newsweek had simply prepared not one but two commemorative editions as a contingency, one in case Hillary wins, the other profiling a Trump victory, so they are ready to be distributed bright and early on Wednesday morning. And, we would expect, both editions would have already been printed and ready for pick up.
To an extent, some of this skepticism was allayed on Monday afternoon when CNN on Monday afternoon asked Newsweek editor Jim Impoco to comment on the cover flap, who responded simply: By sending a picture of the President Trump version of the cover.

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