Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pentecostal Preacher Kills member Who Confront Him Over Impregnating His Wife at Church Service

Pentecostal ministries are private business of pastors in-charge
Pentecostal church in Houston, Texas owned by the pastor who murdered one of his aggrieved congregants during a Sunday service.

The life of a young promising football career was abruptly ended during a church service at The City of God Ministry in Houston, Texas, US. The young man, Deante Smith and his young wife were members of the Pentecostal church whose owner and resident preacher is Pastor Keon Allison. Unknown to Mr. Smith, the church pastor, Keon and his wife had secret love affair which resulted in her being her becoming pregnant with her pastor-lover baby. When the young man discovered what had happened to his young marriage, he resolved to confront Pastor Keon Allison with the facts. Deante Smith is said to have held the church preacher in very high esteem and did, in fact, look up to him as a father figure.

On the fateful day, Deante resolved to go to the church during service and confront the pastor with consequences of his actions. As is allowed in Texas state, Mr. Allison carried a concealed handgun on him. During the confrontation, Deante Smith was shot five times in the chest and killed instantly in the City of God Ministry church by Pastor Keon Allison. It is not only that the pastor took over one of his congregant’s wife but also went on to finish off the man’s life by pumping bullets into the latter’s chest inside his church until he died on the spot.

This is surely the audacity of fame and and power on steroids. Perhaps, the Pentecostal preacher believes that he had a God-given authority over whatever belong to his congregants, including their wives. He must have become infuriated by the unanticipated confrontation from the late Mr. Keon Smith for mustering the gumption to challenge the pastor’s right to engage in intimate relationship with the deceased’s wife. So, he did what he felt obligated to do by sniffing out his youthful congregant’s life.

As stated by the local TV commentator relating the story, Christian Pentecostal preachers are known to have the penchant for greed, selfishness and acts of immorality which are often overlooked by church congregants who are often so brainwashed into believing that the pastor is indeed a true man of God and therefore, can do no wrong. Christian Pentecostal preacher, both within America and elsewhere worldwide, persistently demand tithes from their followers, sometimes on several occasions within a single church service. In Nigeria, for example, mass retreats are often orchestrated in large open spaces for the sole purpose of raising large sums of money from whoever attend these events. Whatever funds are realized, of course, belong exclusively to the pastor’s bank account since he is the alpha and omega of the Pentecostal church.

The Christian Pentecostal preachers usually end up amassing wealth that far exceeds that of all their church followers combined. The evangelical pastors thus can afford to live very affluent lifestyles; they dress in expensive clothes, wear pricey jewelry and other trimmings, ride costly cars, own private jet planes and live in opulent mansions while their congregants continue to struggle to make ends meet. As is the case with revelations in this YouTube video, the pastors feel that all the pretty ladies in the congregation are theirs for the taking.

Very often, these evangelical preachers become intoxicated by the adulation they routinely get from their followers to the extent that some of them could believe that they possess Godly powers to make and unmake. This is more so among the pastors who also claim to possess healing powers over all ailments of the mind and body. The killing of Deante Smith may have been considered to be justified by the church’s perpetrator because the victim had dared to challenge the “man of God” while engaged in his “holy” routine.

Culled from Lower Niger Congress USA

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